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Greek drama masks

A Greek Odyssey

“Other countries may offer you discoveries in manners or lore or landscape; Greece offers you something harder - the discovery of yourself.”

Lawrence Durrell


Here is where you upload any photos that might connect with my story or suggestions and/or additions tooffer to the book.

Please use the form to find photos on your computer and upload them. They should not be bigger than 800 x 600 pixels and no more than 500KB in size. If by chance your file has the same name as one already uploaded, you will be informed. In that case please, rename the file. Only JPG, JPEG, PNG & GIF files are allowed.

Please use my Contact Form to tell me what the image is about and how it is relavent to the book.

Should you have any memories to (possibly) add to this book, or maybe corrections to suggest, please email me to discuss them


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